Lynsey addario Book report
My book report on lynsey addario: My favorite most compelling anecdote from the book is when she travels and meets a man who is a leader from another country and she talks to the leader in pakistan and when she is in a car the soldiers told the driver to stop and she was very scared of what to do if something bad happens and it stood out to me because i thought about it when i would travel to different countries and have he same thought like she does like in her book. I would describe the photojournalism techniques and style that distinguishes addario’s work by getting the perfect shot of a perfect photo like taking photos during a war and soldier’s funerals and it can mean getting people to be amazed on why these photos make a lot of sense. I can relate the author’s sense of duty in pursuing photojournalism in conflict zones by getting the photos that may look the same like any other photo that any photojournalist can really get whe...